2006/09-2011/06 中山大學附屬第一醫(yī)院神經(jīng)科,,碩博連讀,,獲博士學位
2010年 香港中文大學威爾斯親王醫(yī)院訪問學習
2011/07-2013/12 中山大學附屬第一醫(yī)院神經(jīng)科, 住院醫(yī)師
2014/01-2018/06 中山大學附屬第一醫(yī)院神經(jīng)科, 主治醫(yī)師
2018/07至今 中山大學附屬第一醫(yī)院神經(jīng)科, 副主任醫(yī)師
廣東省卒中學會腦血流與代謝分會 常委
廣東省醫(yī)學會腦血管病分會 委員
Li J, Li Y, Chen H, et al. Autonomic Neuropathy and AlbuminocytologicDissociation in Cerebrospinal Fluid As the Presenting Features of PrimaryAmyloidosis: A Case Report. Front Neurol. 2017;26:368 (IF=3.552)
Li J, Chen XY, Soo Y, et al. Benign Oligemia in Subacute Stage IsAssociated with Borderzone Infarction in Stroke Patients Caused by IntracranialLarge Artery Disease. Eur Neurol.2017;77(1-2):80-86.(IF=1.697)
Li J, Chen X, Soo Y, et al. Persistent Benign OligemiaCauses CT Perfusion Mismatch in Patients with Intracranial Large Artery OcclusiveDisease during Subacute Stroke. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics.2013;19:635-637.(IF:2.16)
Li J, Xing S , Zhang J, Hong H, Li Y, Dang C, Zhang Y, Fan Y, Yu J, PeiZ, Zeng J*, Decrease of Tight Junction Integrity in the Ipsilateral Thalamus atAcute Stage after Focal Infarction and Deletion of Cerebral Cortex in Rats. ClinExp Pharmacol Physiol. 2011;38: 776–782.
Xing S *, Zhang Y*, Li J*,et al. Beclin 1 knockdown inhibits autophagicactivation and prevents the secondary neurodegenerative damage in theipsilateral thalamus following focal cerebral infarction. Autophagy.2012 ;8, 63-76. (IF:12.042)