FAH-SYSU holds the First Sun Yat-sen International Forum on Medical Education in Guangzhou
On March 30-31, 2018, The First Sun Yat-sen International Forum on Medical Education Forum was held in Hilton Hotel, Guangzhou. more than 40 experts of medical education from home and abroad, and over 400 SYSU teachers and students attended the forum. Through the plenary meeting, parallel sessions and sub-forums, the Forum brought together outstanding scholars from home and abroad to focus on faculty development, learn more about SYSU and FAH, and contribute their wisdom to building SYSU into a world-class university and serving the medical education development of China.?The plenary meeting was held on the morning of March 30. Mr. Xiao Haipeng, Vice President of SYSU, President of the First Affiliated Hospital, SYSU, delivered an opening remark at the opening ceremony and extended congratulations to the forum. Prof. Song Erwei, Dean of Zhongshan School?of Medicine, SYSU and Mr.Wu Shaolin, Executive Vice President of Guangdong Medical Doctors Association both extended a warm welcome to the guests. The attendees included the guests from National Health commission of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese Medical Doctor Association,?Health and Family Planning Commission of Guangdong Province,?Guangdong Medical Doctors Association, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong,?Health Bureau of Macau.
The conference focused on 'Faculty Capacity Building" and set up Keynote Forums, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Medical Education Forum, General Practice Forum and Standardized Medical Residency Training Forum. The Keynote Forum invited well-known experts from home and abroad to introduce the current situation and development trends of Faculty Capacity Building. In addition, we invited 2 nationally outstanding teachers to share their decades of valuable teaching experience. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Medical Education Forum focused on curriculum system construction and teaching methodology reform of major medical schools in the country, and provided many hands-on experience worth learning for the realization of “practice-teaching collaboration”. The Forum on the Development of Teachers' Capacity in General Practice introduced National General Practitioners' relevant policies, the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment pattern in Guangzhou, and British General Practitioner training system and working model, as well as promoted the convergence of the international advanced model of general medicine with the state and provinces. The Living Peer Teacher Education Forum invited members from China consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals for Residency Education and 7 well-known training bases in Guangdong Province to share their respective exploration and practice in teacher capacity building.
The attendees opened their hearts and spoke their minds to let wisdom sparkle in the clash of ideas and to actively pursue common ground in constructive discussions. The experts are impressed by FAH’s profound tradition, humanistic atmosphere, and pursuit of high standards in medical education, as well as responsible leaders, dedicated faculty and confident students. The experts appreciate the cooperation provided by FAH , and hope that the FAH will gain more achievements in medical education area in the future.