Clinic Center of Plastic and Cosmetology, Department of burns

Xu Yingbin

Chief physician


Clinical Interests:

-Burn, Wound management, Scar prevention and treatment


Medical Education:

-Ph.D, Medicinae Doctor


Work Experiences:

Work in the Department of Burns and Clinic Center of Plastic and Cosmetology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun yat-sen university



Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 8:00-12:00 939
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed


-Xu Yingbin is a committee member of Burn Surgery?Division of Chinese?Medical?Association, Aesthetic?Plastic?Surgery Association and Laser Medicine Association. He is the contributing editor for?《Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery》. As the?first?author?and corresponding?author, he has published many SCI papers with high impact factor, which mainly?relating to?the mechanism of wound healing, scar formation and prevention, as well as the tissue-engineered skin. In the study of scar prevention, he has?received?the?National?Natural?Science?Foundation?of?China in 2017. As the major participant, he also took part in several national fund projects. He is a master's supervisor, and many students became excellent surgeons under his instruction.