Department of Pathology
Key Figures
Total 81 staff: 35 doctors , 32 technicians.
Department of Pathology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, combining pathology diagnosis service, teaching, and scientific research, is one of the largest pathology institutions in Southern China. The Department is successive chairman institution of Pathology Branch, Guangdong Province Medical Association, and is attached institution of Clinical Pathology Quality Control Center of Guangdong Province and Clinical Pathology Consultation Center of Guangdong Province. The Department is accredited National Clinical Key Specialist in 2010. At present, it has more than 70 registered staffs.
Clinical Services ??????
Examination volume of the Department ranks top in general Hospitals of Southern China, with annually surgical pathology examination specimens over 100,000 cases and frozen section specimens over 8,000 cases. The labs provide immunohistochemical staining, histochemical staining and molecular testing, with up-to-date testing markers for diagnosis, prediction of targeted medicine and prognosis. The Department arms with the most authoritative pathologic subspecialties diagnosis of Guangdong Province, and is available for remote Pathology consultation.
The Department provides basic pathology teaching for the medical students, and postgraduate students, and surgical pathology training for residents. Faculty members preside a number of Teaching Quality Projects, edit pathology textbooks for “Eleventh Five-year” and “Twelfth Five-year” plan and hold various teaching activities. A series of digital pathologic practice teaching programs and remote educations was developed firstly in China. In order to improve academic development, several pathologic subspecialties have been established and specialists are actively engaged in national and international academic conferences. Outstanding staffs are supported to study abroad for further education.
Faculty members have published 235 scientific research articles as first authors or corresponding authors in the last 6 years, including 193 articles in SCI journals with highest IF of 38.138. And 44 scientific research funding projects were presided, including 21 national projects (9 general programs, 12 young programs), 14 provincial projects, 2 municipal projects and 7 university level projects, with over 10 millions research funds in total. Research interests include pathogenesis of colorectal cancer, lung cancer, osteosarcoma and liver cancer, etc.
International Collaboration
We have build the collaboration with Department of Pathology, Southwestern Medical Center, University of Texas and sent out 1 Ph.D. student and 2 pathology doctors to carry on research study and further education on specialist Pathology. ??
Currently, there are 81 staff in the department, which includes 13 senior specialists. ( 7 professors, 5 associate professors).
Han Anjia, M.D. & Ph. D.
Professor and Director, Department of pathology
Peng Tingsheng, M.D. & Ph. D.
Chief Physician and Vice-Director, Department of pathology
Ke Zunfu, M.D. & Ph. D.
Chief Physician and Vice-Director, Department of pathology
Wang Liantang, M.D. & Ph. D.
Professor, Department of pathology
Xue Ling, M.D. & Ph. D.
Professor, Department of pathology
Yu Li, Master
Chief Physician, Department of pathology
Li Yang, M.D. & Ph. D.
Chief Physician, Department of pathology
Liao Bing, M.D. & Ph. D.
Associate chief physician, Department of pathology
Shi Huijuan, M.D. & Ph. D.
Associate chief physician, Department of pathology
Ye Ziyin, M.D. & Ph. D.
Associate chief physician, Department of pathology
Wang Zhuo, M.D. & Ph. D.
Associate chief physician, Department of pathology
Wang Fen, M.D. & Ph. D.
Associate chief physician, Department of pathology
Lai Yingrong
Chief technician, Department of pathology
Liang Yingjie
Associate chief technician, Department of pathology
Luo Canqiao
Associate chief technician, Department of pathology
Dong Yu
Associate chief technician, Department of pathology
Li Bin
Associate chief technician, Department of pathology