

Department of Rhinology

Key Figures

Total ?29 ?staff:?10 doctors , ?19 nurses.

Total ?36 Ward beds


Our rhinology’s team has board-certified physicians specialized in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of a full spectrum of nose disorders. Taking advantage of the advanced transnasal endoscopic technique and new material, the highest quality care and the most latest medical and surgical treatments would be provided. We are leaders in researching and developing new technologies to improve both patient quality of life and outcomes of treatment.

Clinical Services? ?????

Our rhinology’s team is the earliest and largest domestic training base for new technology of nasal endoscopic surgery, diagnosis and standardized treatment for chronic sinusitis and transnasal sinonasal- cranial base anatomy demonstration. Every year 300~ 400 doctors will attend the transnasal endoscopic surgery course. So far, after 20yrs annual course, more than 100 thousands rhinologic specialists successfully graduated from our training center.


Our rhinology’s is one of the 5 core subjects in otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery in land. It is also the key subject of ministry of health. Our team is The earliest and largest domestic training base for new technology of nasal endoscopic surgery, diagnosis and standardized treatment for chronic sinusitis and transnasal sinonasal- cranial base anatomy demonstration. The 4 master’s supervisors and 3 doctor’s supervisors train a certain number of graduated students every year. College teachers can undertake all kinds of degree education and continuing education. More than ten doctoral trainees and postgraduate students can finish the training course per year.


The rhinologic team is carrying out series of researches on the precise diagnosis and treatment for sinonasal mucosal inflammation disease and tumor located rhinosinus and skull base. So far we have published 32 original articles on the core journal in ENT field. Furthermore, couples of government funding, about 2.24 million RMB support, was acquired for the clinical and basic research.

International Collaboration

We keep close collaboration with couples of the top Departments of otorhinolaryngology in the world, and invite the specialists termly for training and education domestic as well as overseas. We adopt the continuing developing strategy in training our doctors in the field of clinic and scientific research.


Currently, there are 10 staffs in the department, which includes 8 senior specialists?( 5?professors,?3?associated professors).

Dr. Geng Xu, MD.

Academic leader, Doctor Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Jianbo Shi , M.D.

Professor and director, Doctor Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Weiping Wen

Professor and director, Doctor Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Jian Li, M.D.

Associated Professor and deputy director, Master Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Hexin Chen, MD

Professor, Master Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Tianying Li, MD.

Professor, Doctor Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Rui Xu, MD.

Professor, Master Supervisor, Department of rhinology

Jiebo Guo, MD.

Associated Professor, Department of rhinology

Kejun Zuo, MD.

Associated Professor, Master Supervisor, Department of rhinology