Neurosurgical ICU
There are 10 Ward beds in Neurosurgical ICU. A total of 34 staff was employed in the unit including 7 doctors and 27 nurses.
Neurosurgical ICU was founded in 1996 and it became an independent unit in 2014. Now it is well equipped and high qualified.
Around 800-900 patients are treated in neurosurgical ICU every year, which includes mainly peri-operative neurosurgical patients. 1/3 of the patients are with brain tumor. Other patients are with SAH, stroke, or traumatic brain injury.
Professor Bin Ouyang is a supervisor of PhD students. Dr. Lingyan Wang is a supervisor of post-graduated students. Total eight post-graduated students have graduated and one post-graduated student is currently studying in neurosurgical ICU.
Clinical and basic researches were performed in the area of critical care medicine. There are 6-8 publications every year and 2-3 of them are published in SCI journal.
Currently, there are 34 staff in the department, which includes 2 senior specialists. (1 professor and 1 associate professor).
Ouyang Bin??Professor and Director, Department of Neurosurgical ICU
Xiangzhi Li??Associated professor and Head of the nurses, Department of Neurosurgical Unit