Organ Transplant

Zhou Jian

Associate professor


Clinical Interests??

Liver transplantation, liver regeneration, hepatic tumor

Medical Education?? ?


Work Experiences?? ?

The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University




Sunday: Closed
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 8:00-12:00 939
Saturday: Closed


I am a postgraduate tutor and a member of the international liver transplantation association (ILTS). In 2012, I graduated from sun yat-sen university with a doctor's degree in surgery. In 2006, as an exchange student, I went to Tokyo Toho university for exchange study. I studied organ donation and distribution at the university of Barcelona in Spain in 2016. I have presided over four research funds, including the national natural science foundation of China, the Guangdong natural science foundation, the doctoral program foundation of the ministry of education, and the Guangdong science and technology program, and participated in five monographs. In 2015, I have won the Travel Award presented by the 21st international liver transplantation conference (ILTS) in Chicago, USA. I have made many special reports at the annual conference of China organ transplantation.?