Center for Reproductive Medicine

Wang Zengyan

Associate chief physician


Clinical Interests??

Infertility, Assisted reproductive technology, Abnormal uterus bleeding

Medical Education?? ?

Ph.D. and M.D.

Work Experiences?? ?

2010.7-2014.9, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,,the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University

2014.9-now, Reproductive Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat sen University




Sunday: Closed
Monday: 13:00-18:00 939
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 13:00-18:00 939
Saturday: Closed


She graduated from Peking Union Medical College in 2010. Currently, she is the Secretary of Reproductive Medicine Branch of China Medical Women's Association, and the Youth Member of Reproductive Immunity and Eugenics Association of Guangdong Medical Association. She has chaired a National Natural Science Foundation project, participated in a number of national, provincial and municipal projects, and published more than twenty papers in academic journals at home and abroad, including eight papers in SCI journals. Her main research directions are the safety of assisted reproductive technologies and the treatments for infertile patients with low ovarian reserve.