Key Figures
Total 57 staff: 28 doctors, 29 nurses.
Total 42 Ward beds
The stomatology department, the first affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-Sen university,is the clinical important specialty, which divided? into sections: oral and maxillofacial section(in-patient) and oral medicine and prosthetics section(out-patient).There are 36 dental chair for oral comprehensive treatment in out-patient section, and 42 patient beds in in-patient ward. This department is with strong technical strength, which clinical comprehensive ability locates in the front of national advanced ranks.the department is one of treatment centers for oral and maxillofacial diseases and tumors,Guangdong province.
Clinical Services
The stomatology out-patient section?deals with? all the commom and difficult professional diseases,including the caries and pulptitis,peridontitis,dentition deformity corretion, and oral implantation.The out-patient number each year is about 80 thousands.The In-patient section routinely carries on the medical treatment and surgery for the oral and maxillofacial tumors, trauma, bone fracture, maxillofacial deformities and defects.The section admit the patients more than 1000 patients each year, and completes? about 1000 surgical operations.
In The department, there are first grade of personnel echelon in clinical treatment, scientific research, and education. There are 5 tutors of doctorate candidate and 5 tutors of master candidate. Of all 28 doctors, there are 7 professors, 8 associate proessors, 6 attending doctors. 10 doctors are with PhD degree, and 15 with master degree. In recent years, 18 students have been trained and gotten the doctorate degree ,and 22 master degree.?
In recent year, 5 national and 30 provincial scientific research foundation? are undertaken by the department, More than 100 academic professional papers have been published including 52 SCI papers. 2 academic professional books were published.
Currently, there are 57 staff in the department, which includes 15 senior specialists. (7 professors, 8associate professors).
Feng Chongjin, Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman, Doctor Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Wang Anxun, Ph.D.
Professor and Vice Chairman, Doctor Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Yang Junying, M.D
Professor and Vice Chairman, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Chen Songling, Ph.D.
Professor, Doctor Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Ding xueqiang, M.D.
Professor, Doctor Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Ran Wei, M.D.
Professor, Doctor Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Zhang Chunyuan, M.D.
Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Zhong Xiaolong, M.D.
Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Lian Keqian, M.D.
Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Guo Bin, M.D.
Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Chen Yu, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Chen Dan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Postgraduate Supervisor, Department of Stomatology
Huang Daiying, M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Stomatology
Guo Junbing, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Stomatology
Li Yongqi, M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Stomatology