

Department of Oncology

Key Figures

Total 25 staff: 13doctors , 12nurses.

Total 47 Ward beds (18 in East Branch)


Our department is one of the National Key Clinical Disciplines, the Provincial Key Disciplines, the demonstration wards for the standardized treatment of cancer pain, and targeted drug delivery units of China Charity Federation in our hospital.

Clinical Services????? ?

We care for patients with most types of solid tumor malignancies. Our faculty are on the leading edge of cancer research and are committed to providing our patients with the very best in patient care and treatment.

Education ??

The department is comprised of 9 faculty (8 full time instructional and clinical track faculty and 1 research track faculty) including one doctor advisor and 4 postgraduate advisors, and 4 subspecialty trainees.


We have achieved many breakthroughs in both basic and clinical scientific research funded by grants including National?Natural?Science?Foundation, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Guangdong science and technology plan project. We, as first authors or corresponding authors, have recently published research articles on prestigious journals, such as Lancet Oncology, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Blood, Hepatology, Molecular Cancer, and Clinical Cancer Research. Our staff members have participated in the writing of 8 books on cancer diagnosis and treatment.

International Collaboration

We have established long-term collaboration with famous research institutions such as Harvard Medical School (USA) and the University of Birmingham (UK) in staff training, basic and clinical research.


Currently, there are 25 staff in the department, which includes 5 senior specialists. (3 professors, 2 associate professors).

Ming Kuang, M.D.Ph.D

Professor and Director, Doctor Supervisor, Cancer Center

Jianting Long, M.D.Ph.D

Associate Professor, Associate Director, Supervisor of Postgraduate, Department of Medicinal Oncology, Cancer Center

Sheng Ye, M.D.Ph.D

Professor, Supervisor of postgraduate, Department of Medicinal Oncology, Cancer Center

Heping Li, M.D.Ph.D

Professor, Supervisor of postgraduate, Department of Medicinal Oncology, Cancer Center

Qiangsheng Dai, M.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Medicinal Oncology, Cancer Center